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With the ESOS Phase 2 data capture period beginning in January 2018, it’s time for manufacturers to start thinking about ESOS. The sector makes up one fifth of organisations that fall into ESOS, however not every lead assessor fully understands the needs of this ever-complex industry.

  • Manufacturers could save nearly 12 TWh off their yearly consumption, this saving equates to nearly 4% of the UK’s entire annual usage!
  • Only 13% of manufacturers felt that ESOS had helped support the energy efficiency initiative. This highlights that using a key assessor with manufacturing understanding and experience is key to unlocking any benefit 


Pumps, Motors & Fans

Pumps, motors and fan can be a huge energy consumer, they are core to many production lines and are often running 24/7. Simply reducing the speed of a motor by 20% can save up to 50% of energy consumption! The potential to save is huge but knowing how to save is crucial to ensuring productivity is not affected. During your ESOS audit, the lead assessor should be able to confidently advise how and where these savings can be made.




Factory Heating and Insulation

Industrial processes and production lines can vary hugely, however one thing they often have in common is that a by-product of the process or production line is heat. The heat produced is then extracted away from the process line into the atmosphere. At the same time, offices and workshops within the unit are using central heating or heating units. By recycling the heat produced by the production line into heating systems that can be used to heat other parts of the building, almost all of the energy consumption used by heaters etc. is saved. With nearly 12% of energy in the manufacturing industry being used to heat buildings, this saving is bound to make a huge difference.



Compressed Air

Compressed air can be used in a multitude of ways within the industry and unlike other energy sources, it can’t often be substituted for something else which can make it slightly difficult to reduce energy consumption. One very simple way to save money, is to put in a metering process when ordering compressed air – it doesn’t hurt to ensure that the amount ordered is the amount being delivered. Having that extra control will allow you to not only ensure the correct amount is being delivered but also that your usage is as high as thought.





Refrigeration units, whether domestic or industrial, can fall victim to small defects that result in huge increases in energy consumption. Regularly checking the seals around the edge of the refrigeration units ensures cold air isn’t escaping through any gaps or breaks which then increases the energy consumption. Simple maintenance tasks can end up saving money in the long run.  





It’s common knowledge that replacing traditional lighting with LED bulbs can save a significant amount of energy, however going a step further to control lighting will result in even larger savings. Movement detectors will ensure that only the lighting needed at that time and nothing is wasted.




Find a lead assessor that has industry experience


Enistic have years of experience dealing with ESOS for manufacturers from a variety of sectors and machinery of all calibre. We understand that it’s not as easy as most industries to establish where on the production line is consuming the most amount of energy, that’s why we install temporary energy meters that remove that ‘guessing’ element from the energy monitoring by pinpointing exactly where is consuming the most. By doing this, it ensures that the data we collect is precise and useful!

Our custom built Portable Energy Audit Kit (PEAK) allows us to monitor energy consumption immediately during audits. It’s user-friendly and easy to manage carry-case gives us the perfect tool to provide the most in-depth data that really matters.

Unlike other industries that only use heating, gas, electric, water, manufacturers aren’t able to simply switch to something more efficient – if a production process is in place, that cannot be replaced easily. With this in mind, it’s imperative that monitoring systems are properly utilised throughout the outer organisation, i.e. the building & transportation – places where money saving practices can more easily be put in place.




Our comprehensive ESOS Guide for Manufacturers offers practical advice that can reduce your energy consumption considerable. We are sponsoring the cost of this guide, so if you want your free copy, click here to download yours.


If you’d like to speak to one of our experienced lead assessors and gain value from a free ESOS for Manufacturers scoping meeting.

Call us on 0844 875 1600 or email darryl.mattocks@enistic.com