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Technologies | Solar Panels

30kW system on a primary school.

120kW system on a secondary school.

Enistic Solar PV System

We understand the complexities involved with specifying and installing major decarbonisation solar systems.  Prices have dropped considerably, efficiencies have risen significantly and rebates from the government have fallen.

If you would like a

12kW system (Small)

50kW system (Medium) or

100kW system

installed, get in contact with us and we can take you through the process and the funding options available to you.

Funding your Solar PV system

Free - Public Sector Heat Decarbonisation fund

If you can move quickly, the UK Government has allocated £1billion into decarbonisation projects and Solar Panel qualify if fitted alongside a Heat Pump (or you already have heat-pumps fitted).

The challenge is that the fund is closing soon and all applications must be in before 11th January 2021.

Fully funded - Power Purchase Aagreements

In short, you agree to buy the electricity from the solar panels and in turn we supply and install the panels free of charge.

The rates are set at the outset and you can expect to save approximately 60% compared to standard electricity suppliers.

Tax-Efficient Lease Purchase

We organise the funding of your system in such a way that the cost of the lease payments and the tax savings you make are at least balanced by the savings you make from your solar panels.

Effectively you get a system free of charge with no capital outlay.

Need more info? Contact us

If you have any questions book a free SECR Compliance check up with one of our lead assessors.

Fill out the form and we will arrange a meeting with you.

*Your details will only be used to contact you about your appointment.

Enistic Limited