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ESOS phase 2 and SECR compliance is mandatory through government legislation, but they don’t have to be a painful waste of your time. If the energy reduction recommendations that your auditor gives you are applied, your company’s bottom line could benefit with huge energy savings. The UK government estimates savings could be as high as £1.6 billion.

ESOS and SECR are designed to reduce your energy usage

Of course the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme phase two and the Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting framework are designed to cut emissions by reducing the energy that large businesses use. It is legislation designed to highlight to businesses the potential savings that you can make whilst also benefiting the battle against climate change. It is clear that once ESOS audit recommendations have been implemented the savings will far outstrip the costs.

Energy reduction

Take lighting for instance, a traditional incandescent bulb uses around 60w of electricity or about 0.9p each hour. So if you are leaving the lights on overnight, let’s say 12hours, for every 100 light bulbs you are wasting an estimated £3942, annually. This saving can be brought about by using light sensors or movement sensors which are cheap to instal. You could also move to LED lighting which uses around 6 times less energy for the same light output.

What Enistic can do

Enistic are able to offer your company the very best in SECR and ESOS auditing, we have a 100% compliance record on over 2000 site audits. We can also offer you a state of the art energy monitoring solution which will highlight where you use energy. Our real time energy monitoring system will highlight energy usage in all areas allowing you to put in energy efficient solutions. It will also allow for ESOS and annual SECR audits to be carried much more easily in future.

Contact Enistic to talk things over 01865598775 or info@enistic.com