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What is ESOS Phase 3?

Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory energy assessment scheme established by the UK government to help businesses reduce their energy consumption and lower their energy costs. The scheme requires that large businesses and organisations, including those in the public sector, conduct regular energy assessments and take steps to improve energy efficiency.

The first step you should take is booking a free ESOS consultation with our Senior Advisors. They can help to determine whether your organisation is eligible for the scheme. To be eligible, a business or organisation must:

  • Employ at least 250 people, or have an annual turnover greater than £44 million and an annual balance sheet greater than £38 million
  • Your business is part of a larger sister organisation which falls into the criteria above

Free Consultation

Peter Provins is our Head of Customer Success, helping companies with their Environmental and Sustainability compliance. Peter knows everything there is to know about ESOS Phase 3 and is more than happy to help!

If you think you may qualify, book a free phone consultation with Peter to discuss whether you need to comply with Phase 3 and what you need to do next.

As the Head of Healthcare at Enistic, Brett manages environmental compliance for NHS suppliers. Brett has a wealth of knowledge on PPN 06/21 and ESOS, supporting the Greener NHS Programme and the Net Zero goals that they’ve put in place.

If you’re in the healthcare industry, book a free phone consultation with Brett to discuss whether you qualify for Phase 3 and what you need to do next.

What else do you need?

You’ll need an ESOS-approved Lead Assessor. These are individuals or organisations that have been approved by the UK government to conduct energy assessments under the scheme. They can provide guidance and support throughout the entire ESOS process, including helping to identify energy-saving opportunities and developing a plan of action to implement improvements.

The Founder and Managing Director of Enistic is the UK’s top Lead Assessor. Darryl Mattocks has helped over 300 companies to diminish their energy consumption and carbon emissions, providing compliance services (ESOS, SECR, TFCD, etc.), design and bureau services to make it easier for energy managers to reduce their energy expenditure, energy consumption, Carbon Footprint and comply with their legal obligations.

When you contact a Lead Assessor, they will typically ask for some basic information about your organisation, such as your annual turnover and the number of employees. They will also ask about your current energy consumption and usage patterns. Based on this information, they will be able to provide you with an estimate of the cost of the consultation, as well as the estimated time required to complete the assessment.

Some lead assessor offer free consultations for ESOS compliance, this can be done by providing detailed information about your energy consumption, so it is helpful to have ready your energy bills, and also gather information about your building facilities, heating, lighting, and transportation system, this will be useful for the lead assessor to give a more accurate assessment and also gives them a better understanding of your business energy consumption pattern.

(You won’t need this for a free consultation with one of our advisors)

What does a Lead Assessor do?

The consultation itself typically involves a site visit by the Lead Assessor, during which they will conduct a detailed analysis of your organization’s energy consumption. This may include:

  • Conducting energy audits of buildings, plant and equipment
  • Reviewing energy bills and metering data
  • Assessing transport use and fuel consumption
  • Identifying areas where energy efficiency improvements can be made
  • Providing recommendations on how to implement these improvements

The Lead Assessor will then produce a report outlining the findings of the assessment and the recommended actions to be taken.

It’s important to note that ESOS scheme compliance is mandatory, non-compliance can result in penalty fines, so it is important to book a consultation as soon as possible and work with the Lead Assessor to implement the recommended actions in order to meet the compliance deadline.

Recent changes to ESOS Phase 3

In the recent update, the requirements for these assessments have been revised in several key ways.

One major change is that reports must now be presented in a standardised template. If organisations are using a software such as The Enistic Platform to report, this will happen automatically. However, if they are using manual methods or spreadsheets, they will need to adopt the new layout and templates that have been published.

Another change is that the de minimis, which is the amount of energy that organisations are allowed to ignore, has been reduced from 10.75% to 5%. This means that organisations will need to analyse more energy than they used to and take more comprehensive account of their energy usage.

In addition, organisations will now be required to include an energy intensity metric in their reports. This metric measures the energy consumption of each site in relation to some other variable, such as the number of full-time equivalent employees or square footage. This will allow organizations to league-table their sites and identify which are the most and least efficient.

Organisations will also be required to share their reports with any subsidiary companies, and to implement the next steps of meeting any recommendations made in the report. In addition, they will be required to publish an action plan outlining what steps they will take to improve their energy efficiency. Finally, in ESOS phase 4, which is in 2027, organisations will have to report back on their progress against targets set in the previous phase.

Overall, the changes to the ESOS scheme aim to encourage organisations to take a more comprehensive and strategic approach to managing their energy consumption. By implementing the new requirements and working with an approved Lead Assessor, organisations can improve their energy efficiency, lower their energy costs, and comply with the mandatory regulations.

The Enistic Platform

Our cloud-based carbon management platform pulls together your carbon data into one, easy-to-access place. Intuitive dashboards help you to visualise key metrics, and monitor performance at a glance. The built in analytics suite enables you to create customisable reports that can be exported and shared with your organisation. Download reports and share your carbon data and progress easily.

• Live Carbon Footprint

• Track & report your progress to stakeholders

• Up-to-date carbon conversion factors

•Analyse and compare individual sites

•Automatic data upload

•Downloadable and customisable reports for PPN 06/21


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